Admissions Information
You are welcome to come and visit our school at a convenient time; you will meet the children, staff and the Headteacher. Please contact the school office to arrange a convenient time for a 1-1 tour with our headteacher.
Please contact: 020 8361 0767 or
We welcome all children from all faiths, or none, we welcome all applications!
Our Nursery and Reception children now work together in one large setting. The staff work closely together to plan a range of exciting activities and provision following the children’s interests, whilst carefully thinking about progression of learning.
Having the children together has many benefits – most importantly it allows the staff to build excellent relationships with the children throughout their time in the EYFS. It allows for a seamless, worry-free transition for children when they move from our Nursery to Reception as they remain in the same setting with familiar adults.
The mixed-age unit also allows our children to access work at their level – our youngest children can access challenges and those who might need a little extra support have access to this throughout carpet inputs and provision daily. The children engage in a mix of whole class, small group, mixed age and mixed ability activities as well as adult directed and independent, self-chosen learning.
For more information on our mixed nursery/reception setting, please see document below entitled 'OLOL Early Years Foundation Stage Setting Information Sheet.'
Applying for a Nursery place
The application process for Nursery places has now opened. Please complete a nursery admission form (see below) and return to the school office; a copy of the nursery admissions policy can also be found below. We admit children from the day that they turn 3 years old and places are allocated according to our admissions policy, as they are received. Nursery children can attend our setting at the following times:
1. 8am to 6pm
2. 8.45am to 3.15pm
3. Morning sessions - 8.45am to 11.30am
Applying for a Reception Class place September 2025
The application process for Reception Class September 2025 places opens on 1 September 2024 and is comprised of two parts. In order to apply for a place for your child at our school:
1. Please see our Admissions Policy at the bottom of this page and, if you wish to apply, complete our school Supplementary Information Form, also at the bottom of the page, and return it in person to the school together with original evidences as stated;
2. Please also complete the on-line application form via the following link:
The latest date for your application to be treated as an on-time application is Wednesday, 15th January, 2025. Any applications made after this date are treated as late applications.
Parish Boundary
2024 - 2025 In-year Admissions (for reception class to Y6 class)
If you wish to apply for a place on the waiting list for any year group (Rec - Y6) you must submit an application to the Borough to whom you pay Council Tax. You must also submit a Supplementary Information Form and return these to the School Office. You can do this at any point during the year. Feel free to call the school office for any help or advice.
Click here for an online map of the Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Boundary.
We have been able to offer places in recent years to families who live outside the Parish boundary.
Appeals Information
If you have not been successful in getting a place for your child and wish to appeal, appeals information and appeals forms are available from Mrs Polycarpou at the School Office (email:
Completed appeals forms should be addressed to the Chair of Governors. For further advice, please contact the School Office on 020 8361 0767.